„Skalvijos“ kino akademija arba tiesiog SKA yra antrieji namai mylintiems kiną ir norintiems jį kurti vyresnių klasių moksleiviams.
Čia susidraugausite su kino kamera, kita kino kūrimo technika, pagilinsite kino teorijos ir istorijos žinias. SKA išmoksite pasirengti filmavimui, elgtis su kino technika, suburti filmavimo komandą ir išnaudoti stipriąsias kiekvieno komandos nario puses.
SKA programa trunka 2 mokslo metus.
Kas metus renkama režisūros kurso programa.
Skalvija Film Academy, located in Vilnius, Lithuania, is a film school founded in 2007 by the Skalvija Cinema Center, one of the oldest and most famous arthouse cinemas in Lithuania. The film education program is specifically designed for teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 who are passionate about cinema and filmmaking.
Skalvija Film Academy provides 2-year-long courses and workshops in film studies and filmmaking, which encompass screenwriting, directing, cinematography, sound design, and film history. At the conclusion of each semester, the students' work is publicly screened twice per year in the Skalvija Cinema Center.
The courses are taught by experienced professionals in the film industry, including directors, screenwriters, cinematographers, and sound designers. This offers teenagers interested in film a valuable opportunity to learn from experienced professionals and develop their skills in a supportive and creative environment.